
Selecting a Winning Jury with Harry Plotkin

Episode Summary

Ben and Rahul talk jury selection with Harry Plotkin, a nationally renowned expert on jury selection who has picked over a thousand juries in cases across the country. Harry has been involved in many high-profile cases and ground-breaking plaintiff’s verdicts. Harry shares his strategies for identifying favorable and unfavorable jurors and identifies areas where lawyer intuition leads to poor choices in jury selection. Harry explains how involvement of a jury consultant can increase the chances of a good result at trial. If you are heading to trial and picking a jury, you don’t want to miss this episode!

Episode Notes

Ben and Rahul talk jury selection with Harry Plotkin, a nationally renowned expert on jury selection who has picked over a thousand juries in cases across the country. Harry has been involved in many high-profile cases and ground-breaking plaintiff’s verdicts.  Harry shares his strategies for identifying favorable and unfavorable jurors and identifies areas where lawyer intuition leads to poor choices in jury selection. Harry explains how involvement of a jury consultant can increase the chances of a good result at trial.  If you are heading to trial and picking a jury, you don’t want to miss this episode!


About Harry Plotkin


Harry is a nationally renowned jury consultant and leading voice in the field of jury decision-making, psychology, and persuasion.


He has helped shape the outcome of over one thousand trials across the country in nearly every state.


$19.25 MILLION VERDICT in dangerous condition trial in Santa Cruz

        Howard v. CalTrans, February 2023


100% LIABILITY VERDICT in liability phase/fall down lift shaft trial in San Mateo

        Veimau v. Phillips, December 2022 (settled for large confidential amount before damage phase)


$45 MILLION VERDICT in public school district physical abuse trial in Los Angeles

        Wong v. Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District, October 2022


$464.2 MILLION VERDICT in employment retaliation trial in Los Angeles

        Martinez/Page v. Southern California Edison, June 2022


$150 MILLION VERDICT in wrongful death trial in Palm Springs

        Collins v. Diamond Generating Company, July 2022


$11 MILLION VERDICT in pedestrian v. auto crash trial in Santa Monica

        Knight v. Haskell, August 2022


$34.5 MILLION VERDICT in aiding/abetting wrongful termination in Santa Cruz

        Ruvalcaba v. Keenan & Associates, May 2022


$102.5 MILLION VERDICT in public school district sexual abuse trial in San Jose

        Doe v. Union School District, March 2022


$25.7 MILLION VERDICT in medical malpractice arbitration in San Diego

        Vargas v. Kaiser Permanente, April 2022


$23.2 MILLION VERDICT in care home death (of an 81 year-old) trial in Bakersfield

        Mosley v. Pacifica Healthcare, March 2022


$10 MILLION VERDICT in "jaywalking" pedestrian death trial in Long Beach

        Garcia v. Herrera, December 2021


$7.2 MILLION VERDICT in federal airline/unruly passenger mistreatment trial in LA

        Bandary v. Delta, October 2021


$136.9 MILLION VERDICT in federal hostile work environment/race trial in SF

        Diaz v. Tesla, October 2021


$12.6 MILLION VERDICT in spinal fusion/premises liability trial

        Acosta v. Athena Management, August 2021


$6.4 MILLION VERDICT in spinal stimulator/vehicle crash trial in Orange County

        Castaneda v. Perez, September 2021


$13 MILLION VERDICT *county record* in wrongful death/product trial in rural Missouri

        Church v. CNH Industrial, November 2020


$25.6 MILLION VERDICT in dangerous condition/pedestrian stuck in crosswalk trial

        Tusant v. City of Hemet, February 2020


$17 MILLION VERDICT (with fees) in right of publicity trial in San Diego

        Hansen IP Trust v. Coca Cola, Monster Energy, February 2020


$13.3 MILLION VERDICT in traumatic brain injury trial against County sheriffs/nurses

        Collins v. County of San Diego, July 2019


$2 MILLION VERDICT in non-termination retaliation trial against a public university

        Linskey v. UC Irvine, April 2019


$6.5 MILLION VERDICT in zero-offer, coffee burn trial against a hotel

        DeRuyver v. Omni La Costa, March 2019


$7 MILLION VERDICT in 70-mph motorcyclist's wrongful death against local city

        Ascensio v. Covina, October 2018


$45.4 MILLION VERDICT in failure to prevent sexual abuse trial against local County

        F.M. v. Los Angeles County DCFS, July 2018

$2 MILLION VERDICT in non-termination retaliation trial against a public university

        Linskey. v. UC Regents, April 2019


$16.2 MILLION VERDICT in disputed slip-and-fall, disputed brain injury trial

        Kidd v. WKS/El Pollo Loco, February 2018


$25 MILLION VERDICT in product liability/wrongful death trial

        Cruz, Mathenge v. Nissan North America, July 2017


DEFENSE VERDICT ($30M+ demand) in fraud/fiduciary duty trial

        Hotze v. Hotze, October 2018


DEFENSE VERDICT ($30M demand) in fraud/elder abuse trial

        Howard v. Howard, September 2018


$25.1 MILLION VERDICT in whistleblower retaliation trial

        Babyak v. Cardiovascular Systems, April 2017


$29 MILLION VERDICT in medical malpractice trial

        Williams v. Pilapil, March 2017


$16.3 MILLION VERDICT in trip and fall trial

        Picazzo v. CW Driver, October 2017


DEFENSE VERDICT ($16M demand)in fraud/breach of contract trial

        Oregon Ice Cream v. Gleason, April 2017


$256 MILLION VERDICT in fraud/breach of contract trial

        Kahn v. Nissan, May 2017


$26 MILLION VERDICT in wrongful death (of a minor) trial

        Zisette v. Starline, November 2016


$5.3 MILLION VERDICT plus malice in negligence/molestation trial

        Doe v. Five Acres, May 2017


$27 MILLION VERDICT in wrongful death/construction site trial

        Gonzalez v. Atlas Supply, July 2016


$47 MILLION VERDICT in breach of contract/employment trial

        Stewart v. AAPS, February 2016


$2.9 MILLION VERDICT (plus malice) in wrongful termination trial

        Mackey v. Helinet, January 2016


$14 MILLION VERDICT in insurance bad faith trial

        Madrigal v. Allstate, November 2015


$7.1 MILLION VERDICT in age discrimination trial

        Simers v. LA Times, November 2015


$10.5 MILLION VERDICT in breach of contract trial

        Stelluti Kerr v. Mapei Corporation, November 2015


$3.5 MILLION VERDICT in eye injury trial versus charter bus

        Guerra v. Starline, November 2015


$9.7 MILLION VERDICT in product liability/design defect trial

        Rivera v. Volvo, August 2015


$28 MILLION VERDICT in medical malpractice/failure to diagnose trial

        Rahm v. Kaiser Permanente, March 2015


$60 MILLION VERDICT in federal wrongful death/product liability trial

        Shinedling v. Sunbeam, June 2015


$8.7 MILLION VERDICT in single-plaintiff discrimination/retaliation trial

        Leggins v. Rite Aide, July 2015


DEFENSE VERDICT in class-action bad faith trial

        Keller, et. al. v. California State University, April 2015
       Class sought $58 million in damages, plus interest


$1.75 MILLION VERDICT + MALICE in employment retaliation trial

        Wascher v. Kaiser, June 2015
       No claims for economic damages, only emotional distress


$3.3 MILLION VERDICT + MALICE in breach of fiduciary duty trial

        Colaco v. Cavotec, June 2015
       DEFENSE VERDICT on claims, won on counter-claims


$16.2 MILLION VERDICT against employer in car crash/injury trial
       Evans v. Prospect Education, February 2015
       Jury found driver was in “course and scope” while commuting


$58 MILLION VERDICT in personal injury/car crash trial

        Herman v. Cardiel, June 2014
       Verdict included $45 million in non-economic damages


RECORD VERDICT in a federal whistleblower trial

        Zulfer v. Playboy, March 2014
       $6 million verdict, plus finding of malice (settled)


DEFENSE VERDICT in product liability/wrongful death trial
       Chen v. BusWest, April 2015
       Plaintiff’s attorney asked for $57 million in closing